e-Patients Blog
The blog of the Society for Participatory Medicine. Want to be a contributor?
OpenNotes site upgrades its literature search, to help authors and educators find relevant papers
As regular readers know, our Society for Participatory Medicine has always been a strong advocate for the OpenNotes movement as a key enabler of patient power. As co-founder Dr. Danny Sands often says in his speeches, "How can patients participate if they can't see...
Engage! Community Organizing, Coalitions & Infrastructure
Healthcare activists need communities to affect change. Considering public-private partnership with NCQA's Digital Measurement Community with Ben Hamlin. Proem Activists seek to inform and nudge change for the better – political, social, cultural, healthcare, service...
Fostering Solidarity on the Front Lines Through Stories
Stories are powerful because they foster human connections, transparency, and innovation, ultimately leading to better experiences for those giving and receiving care. Healthcare workers' perspectives are critical to creating a shared vision of health care that better...
Person-First Safe Living in a Pandemic #1
How can laypeople find up-to-date, trustworthy answers to questions they have about living safely in an emergency, when they have them, in a useful manner? Part 1: a person-first approach for researchers & content creators to help people and their communities find...
Everyone-Included Research
Person-included research, co-production, tragedy, grief, health equity, and relationships in life and research. Chat with Amy Price of Stanford and BMJ Proem Research follows life. Life comes before research. My diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis preceded my need for...
Checking the Compass of Participatory Medicine
To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, "A compass will point you to true north, but it doesn't show you the swamps. If you get bogged down, what's the use of knowing the direction?" When on a journey, it's a good policy to periodically take inventory of the landscape in order...
The Health Story Collaborative & the Power of Healing Narratives
Join a live virtual Healing Story Session on June 22! “Pain, suffering, and ambivalence can co-exist with peace, joy, and self-love. Healing can take many forms. Sharing our stories helps others to find their way, and reminds us all that we are not alone.” -- Annie...
Haiku as a path to resilience in the COVID-19 era: #HaikuChallenge20
Raising our resilience in times of great stress – through haiku – can boost our ability to navigate pain & suffering. From a nurse who’s experienced great loss
Courage and resilience help face the uncertainty of coronavirus
Guest post by empowered patient Howard Chang. See bio at end. I’m a highly engaged patient advocate who has faced many challenges. To my unhappy surprise, the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown has revealed once again how much I still struggle with the need to be in...
SPM & Health Story Collaborative Join Forces: Please Share Your Stories During the Pandemic
The Society for Participatory Medicine (SPM) and the Health Story Collaborative (HSC) are partnering during this time to bring the power of storytelling to health care and explore what it means to practice participatory medicine in times of COVID-19. Please read the...
NEJM: OpenNotes/”OurNotes” releases its innovative pre-visit questionnaire for COVID-19 televisits
This morning the New England Journal of Medicine released the latest publication about OpenNotes. The news: an innovative pre-visit form created for the "OurNotes" study has been released before the study is completed, for other providers to use to improve televisits...
A nurse writes from the COVID-19 front lines: “the biggest barrier to care I’ve ever faced”
Editor's note: This post is from Amber Soucy MSN, RN, a board member of our Society for Participatory Medicine. Like many front-line health workers she hides the stress (see her profile photo at right), but this era is tough in ways nobody ever signed up for, and this...