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e-Patients Blog

The blog of the Society for Participatory Medicine. Want to be a contributor?

Closing the Gaps in South African Health

Guest post by SPM member Vanessa Carter. See bio at end. In many countries globally, the e-Patient revolution has raised many significant questions about the role of empowered patients in an integrated health system, particularly with expanding access to Information...

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Allie Davanzo: The Power of Art in Medicine

Allie Davanzo: The Power of Art in Medicine

This is a guest blog post by Allie Davanzo. Allie was my student in the New Media and Health Communication class I taught at TCNJ. More about the class is shared in this post.  Allie Davanzo is a sophomore Public Health major at The College of New Jersey who hopes to...

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Precision Prism

I’m the son, Custodian, and Healthcare Proxy of my 89-year-old mother, Alice. I live in a different state. My mother has diabetes and is depressed. Her care team, besides herself and me, includes medical providers in various health settings, community support...

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From the UK: “Habits of an Improver”

From the UK: “Habits of an Improver”

We in the Society for Participatory Medicine are in many stages of awakening to our potential as active participants in the health system. Some have a particular focus on a disease or a technology; many of us come to it through our own experience (good or bad) as a...

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The Society for Participatory Medicine’s ePatients blog highlights items of interest to those in the world of e-patients and participatory medicine. Some of our most popular topics include e-patient stories, e-patient resources, problems in healthcare, medical records, news & gossip, patient networks, policy issues, positive patterns, patient/doctor co-care, patients as teachers, reforming healthcare, trends & principles, and why participatory medicine. Our newest blog posts are below. You can also subscribe to our blog via email.

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John M. Grohol, Psy.D.

Dr. John M. Grohol, Psy.D. is a psychologist and technologist who specializes in examining and writing about the confluence of patient rights, technology, and mental health. In 1995, he founded Psych Central, the world's leading independent mental health site overseen by mental health professionals, which was acquired by Healthline in 2020. He founded and continues to oversee the independent online support group community for mental health concerns, My Support Forums since 2001. He is a co-founder of the Society for Participatory Medicine.