by Alicia Staley | Aug 25, 2013
SPM member Erin Moore (@EKeeleyMoore) is one heck of an activist parent. She sees the future, she has a stake in it – a kid with a chronic disease – and like many of us, she’s not waiting around for someone else to make it happen: she’s engaged...
by Susannah Fox | Jul 19, 2013
Susannah: On June 14, 2013, I attended the National Meeting on Promoting and Sustaining Collaborative Networks in Pediatrics where we discussed topics covered in a special issue of Pediatrics, among other initiatives and trends. Justin Vandergrift was one of the...
by Susannah Fox | Jun 26, 2012
One year ago, I read a JAMA commentary that was so good I had to stand up while I was reading it: Are Patients Knights, Knaves, or Pawns? I blogged about it here (touching off a heated discussion) and started an email correspondence with one of the authors, Sachin...
by e-Patient Dave | Apr 16, 2012
Thanks to SPM co-founder Joe Graedon of for this note about today’s special section in the Wall Street Journal on healthcare innovation. (Some of the content requires a subscription, but you can register for 8 weeks free.) Joe’s note,...
by Susannah Fox | Feb 3, 2012
#whatifhc in #TheWalkingGallery Note: This is two posts in one — scroll down to read Regina Holliday’s point of view. From Susannah Fox: For me, Twitter is a free-wheeling space where people dance with ideas. Anyone is welcome to jump into...
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