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In the Spin II: You and Your Billing Code

Pass the Valium! Previously on I recounted the crazy-making quest for a second opinion on an abnormal mammogram (microcalicifications) as per the advice of New York Times health columnist Jane E. Brody, a breast cancer survivor.  The gynecologist who...

Can you say “Ludique”?

Everybody can say this simple French word. Ludique Definition: (adj) related to games, playful, recreational Could it be what’s missing from many of the health & wellness Health 2.0 applications I have seen so far? Why would that be important? Last I wrote...

Wall Street Journal goes e-Patient

Where have we heard this story before? A friend of mine slipped on the sidewalk recently and broke her hip. She had surgery in one of the best hospitals in the country. But it [wasn’t their staff, it] was her grown daughter who noticed that she was having an...
