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The internet’s downsides: tell us your stories

This is a request for help finding people who have had bad experiences with online health resources. Let me first say that the internet is often a positive force in people’s lives. My own organization’s research can paint a rather rosy picture: teens are...

Health Info Have-Nots

I just published a quick take on who doesn’t gather health information online, including the stark finding that three-quarters of U.S. adults who have less than a high school education say they do not get health information online. One survey question I cited...

Chilmark: “Where is the consumer in HIEs?”

As we adopt new technology NOW is the time to think strategically: “As I make my next move, where do I end up? How am I positioned for the next step?” Patients have a lot at stake in adoption of Health Information Exchanges (HIEs). Chilmark Research has...
