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How Things Change

SPM member Jody Schoger’s post “Cancer: Part Two” at her blog Women with Cancer landed with a big thud on April 26. Schoger was recently diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. She’s a co-founder of #bcsm (breast cancer social media), one of the highest...

Reading our own EKG

There’s been a great thread on Dr. Wes’ blog and the SPM listserv about patients obtaining and reading their own EKG’s.  As you can imagine — lots of pros and cons. A significant difference noted between the right to have the information...

State of the Meme, summer 2012

We’re not in it for “the eyeballs,” as they say in the world of website marketing: this isn’t a blog that obsesses about pageviews, unique visitors etc, for purposes of selling ads. (We don’t do ads, we don’t do link exchanges,...
