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What is participatory medicine - people helping each other put up a wall

Welcome New Members!

Thank you for joining the Society for Participatory Medicine, showing your support for participatory medicine!

Welcome to the organization — we’re pleased to have you join us! It’s no coincidence that our image on this page shows a Habitat for Humanity team working together to build something new.

If you haven’t yet done so, please ensure your membership profile is filled out as completely as possible. This helps other members find like-minded people in the organization, in order to communicate and connect.




“Participatory Medicine is a movement in which networked patients shift from being mere passengers to responsible drivers of their health, and in which providers encourage and value them as full partners.”

SPM Forums

You can access the SPM Forums any time. This is the primary meeting place where members share ideas, ask questions, and bounce opinions off of one another, with people, patients, advocates, and professionals from diverse backgrounds. (Please take a moment to read our community guidelines before jumping in, and please, introduce yourself on the E-patient Stories forum!) It’s important to know that new members like yourself are not automatically subscribed to receive updates from the forums. Please go to the individual forums you’re interested in, and click on the “Subscribe to forum” link at the top!

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Thanks again -– dive in, and spread the word. Participate!



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