by Gilles Frydman | Mar 23, 2010
I am thrilled to bring another guest post, this time from Luke Rosenberger, a medical librarian who has forcefully embraced social media & participatory medicine, as you’ll see. Libraries & librarians have always held a special place in helping other...
by e-Patient Dave | Mar 23, 2010
Updated 3/12/2014 with new links at bottom. One of my personal pleasures in the first year of the Society for Participatory Medicine has been discovering people in other parts of the “patient culture” who’ve been doing wonderful, empowering,...
by Susannah Fox | Mar 22, 2010
Kevin A. Clauson, Pharm.D. is an associate professor at the College of Pharmacy and adjunct associate professor at the College of Medicine – Biomedical Informatics Program at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, FL. He teaches a course on Consumer Health...
by e-Patient Dave | Mar 19, 2010
If you haven’t found him yet, Bertalan Meskó is one of the best new-generation doctors making the most of social media. While he was still a med student his ScienceRoll blog won Blogger’s Choice in 2007, and last month it won Medgadget’s prestigious...
by Gilles Frydman | Mar 18, 2010
Another guest post from Lisa Gualtieri, PhD, ScM, following her much-commented earlier post. Lisa is Adjunct Clinical Professor in the Health Communication Program at Tufts University School of Medicine. Lisa teaches Online Consumer Health and Web Strategies for...
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