by Susannah Fox | Mar 3, 2010
This is a banner week for people who think good design contributes to better health. On Monday, DiabetesMine and the California HealthCare Foundation launched the 2010 DiabetesMine Design Challenge. Last year the contest garnered more than 150 entries and awarded a...
by Susannah Fox | Mar 1, 2010
Erin Turner recently wrote: When I arrived at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota a few weeks ago, I was asked: “Who referred you to us?” My answer was not traditional: “Twitter.” (Read her full story on the SpectrumScience blog. And take...
by e-Patient Dave | Feb 26, 2010
We (the people on our banner graphic) are at the annual retreat – which, this year, is the board meeting of the Society for Participatory Medicine. Whether or not you’re a member yet (join here), we want to know: what do YOU want the...
by e-Patient Dave | Feb 24, 2010
As I’ve noted recently, this Thursday I’m on a stakeholder panel at a meeting of the Adoption/Certification Workgroup, which is part of the Federal Health IT Policy Committee. As noted in my previous post, this is a busy day, and each of us gets only 5-7...
by e-Patient Dave | Feb 21, 2010
One profound shift in healthcare enabled by the internet is the Web’s ability to be a common platform for huge numbers of low-volume diseases. This is the “long tail” effect that makes Amazon and eBay a success, selling vast numbers of items you...
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