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Unleash the Hot Talent: A Letter from a Patient

This is a guest post from Christine Kraft, Twitter friend @ChristineKraft. She’s a pensive, musey blogger at CocoVillage, and “wicked smaht,” as we say in Boston. She’s also the one who introduced us to Regina Holliday last year. She recognizes...

Health 2.010: New Year, New Era

This is a guest post by Lucien Engelen (Dutch Twitter friend @Zorg20), who was featured in October’s The internet is changing healthcare – video from Reshape09. Here, he takes it to the next step, moving from health 2.0 to “health 2.010”.  I love it!...

Video: If Air Travel Worked Like Health Care

Back in September, Jonathan Rauch of the National Journal wrote a terrific (fact-based!) send-up of our archaic, arcane, not-customer-centric healthcare system, titled “If Air Travel Worked Like Health Care.” I wish I’d known about it then, but I...

Health data rights on CNN

Elizabeth Cohen, CNN Senior Medical Correspondent, captured the zeitgeist of the health data rights movement in today’s must-read article, Patients demand: ‘Give us our damned data’. An e-patients all-star team is quoted in the story: Jen McCabe,...
