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How Facebook Saved My Son’s Life (

“Health is social,” says SPM member Phil Baumann, RN (@PhilBaumann) at Slate has a dramatic story of how a mother’s Facebook network helped spot – rapidly – Kawasaki Disease, a rare auto-immune disease that the...

Meredith Gould: Why Go Public Now About My Fibro?

Guest blogger Meredith Gould is on Twitter as @meredithgould and @HealthFaith. Over a year ago, I agreed to write about my personal experience with fibromyalgia for a new health and wellness site. The piece wasn’t going to be published for a while and although I...

SPM on the Air: People’s Pharmacy (NPR)

Joe and Terry Graedon, long-time friends of “Doc Tom” Ferguson, produce The People’s Pharmacy, a website and radio program on NPR. Last Saturday’s program was about the Society for Participatory Medicine, which they helped to found in 2009....