by e-Patient Dave | Jul 7, 2017
SPM past board member Michael Millenson has an important new commissioned essay in the BMJ spelling out some parameters of collaborative health, which might as well have been written as participatory medicine. Happily, they made it open access so patients can read it...
by e-Patient Dave | Jul 5, 2017
Short notice, but if you can join, please do – if you can’t make it, the archive will be published. EUPATI (European Patients’ Academy) has a 90 minute webinar today, July 5, at 11 am ET, 8 am PT, 5 pm Central Europe. To register click the graphic or...
by e-Patient Dave | Jun 9, 2017
Sunnie Southern is an avid activist for better care, a proactive patient (very responsible), a long-time member of our Society for Participatory Medicine, and a good friend with an irrepressibly bright disposition. As I often say, “I’ve never seen anyone...
by e-Patient Dave | Jun 7, 2017
We in the Society for Participatory Medicine are in many stages of awakening to our potential as active participants in the health system. Some have a particular focus on a disease or a technology; many of us come to it through our own experience (good or bad) as a...
by Nancy Finn | Jun 2, 2017
Guest post by SPM member Vanessa Carter. See bio at end. In many countries globally, the e-Patient revolution has raised many significant questions about the role of empowered patients in an integrated health system, particularly with expanding access to Information...
by Nancy Finn | May 10, 2017
The practice of medicine is shifting from episodic patient care to care focused on addressing many broad-based, unique, sometimes esoteric health conditions. Fueling this transition is a new focus on patient reported outcomes and health data registries that aggregate...
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