by e-Patient Dave | Oct 24, 2017
It’s that time again! Our friends at the Patients View Institute are again running their “impact awards.” I got to be present during the award’s sessions in DC last year, and it’s just terrific what they’re doing –...
by e-Patient Dave | Sep 22, 2017
This may be the best short talk ever about the importance of participatory medicine. SPM’s past president Sarah Krüg (@SaraKrug1) recently did a 10 minute TEDx Talk in Brussels. It’s one of those rare ones that’s pretty riveting. Watch it. Join us. Our Society for...
by Carla Berg | Sep 13, 2017
(part three of three) Lessons from Quebec for Choosing Wisely and Less is More Medicine After a busy few days tracking topics around the researchers and policy-makers at a recent “Preventing Overdiagnosis” conference in Quebec aimed at reducing...
by Carla Berg | Sep 1, 2017
(chapter two of three) Watching physicians pivot from ‘More is Better’ to ‘Less is More’ For British cardiologist David Warriner it all began when he was a trainee MD and it was his job to organize the daily tests ordered on the ward. Time and...
by Carla Berg | Aug 18, 2017
(Part one of three) You Are (Almost) There Have you ever been to a big trade event in a hot sector like healthcare or tech? If you are a member of S4PM, perhaps it was at CES or HIMSS or Health 2.0 or a MedX or a TedMed event. If such a scene is familiar, then...
by e-Patient Dave | Jul 12, 2017
On Thursday, at 5pm UK time / noon ET / 9 am Pacific, the BMJ will host a tweetchat under their #BMJDebate hashtag, adding to the ongoing debate about how and when patients can be compensated for their contributions to improving healthcare. Please read editor Tessa...
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