by e-Patient Dave | Feb 24, 2016
This is a hoot. I say this as someone who first blogged in 2008 about this process. On Tuesday March 1, Mayo Clinic will be streaming video of a colonoscopy, live on Periscope, in a broadcast they’re calling The #ScopeScope. Lee Aase, head of the Mayo Clinic Social...
by Danny Sands, MD | Feb 2, 2016
A fundamental precept of participatory medicine is that health care should not be a spectator sport—it’s best practiced in a participatory manner. This requires engagement from both the patient and the clinician. Yet the typical behavior of health encounters is not...
by e-Patient Dave | Jan 21, 2016
Our Society for Participatory Medicine is a partner with Founded in 2013, Engaging Patients is particularly focused on the communication aspects of participatory medicine. They asked us to share this announcement. is pleased...
by Nancy Finn | Jan 12, 2016
In 2016, mHealth technology will occupy center stage in transforming clinical care and clinical research. Smartphone-linked wearable sensors will turn science fiction into reality as these mobile diagnostic tools provide the in depth information that enables   ...
by David Harlow | Jan 12, 2016
A long time ago (in internet years), the original HIPAA regulations were promulgated. (The final Privacy Rule was published in 2000.) They’ve been tweaked and updated over the years, most notably in the “mega-reg” promulgated a few years back in...
by e-Patient Dave | Jan 1, 2016
One sign of a movement’s progress is when the establishment takes notice. This one’s a biggie: Regina Holliday’s Walking Gallery of Healthcare (Facebook) is in the January 16 edition of the AMA Journal of Ethics. A five page article! Click the image...
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