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Alternative Choices for Healthcare: What are the Options?

I was at dinner with friends recently when I noticed that my right thumb was red, swollen and painful.  One of my friends is a biochemist and instructed me to immediately soak the finger in hot water.  I continued our social evening dipping my right thumb in and out...

Why the Google mug leaves such a bitter taste

Guest post by SPM member Katherine Kelly Leon @KatherineKLeon of the famous “SCAD sisters,” spotlighted in this 2011 post. This is about the “Your Googling” mug many of us discussed last week. Coffee mugs are like totems, spiritual items that...
“Where can I get that mug???”

“Where can I get that mug???”

You can’t make this stuff up. One of our most-commented posts ever was Monday’s The truth about that “your Googling and my medical degree” mug, about the coffee mug that went viral on Facebook this week. Well, some docs saw it and emailed, asking where to...
