by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. | Apr 15, 2015
According to a new study in JAMA, data breaches into people’s protected health information (PHI) records are increasing: “[The] study that found almost 30 million health records nationwide were involved in criminal theft, malicious hacking or other data...
by e-Patient Dave | Apr 10, 2015
Perhaps it’s time for an argument about how we’re doing this. Many of us in the Society for Participatory Medicine have long noted that what we’re up to here is nothing less than full-bore culture change. In my own speeches I often note that culture...
by e-Patient Dave | Apr 2, 2015
SPM member/legend Regina Holliday, a powerful force for grass roots empowerment and creator of The Walking Gallery of Healthcare, got whooping cough (pertussis) this winter, despite having been vaccinated just a few years earlier. The UK magazine Pharma Times...
by Casey Quinlan | Mar 27, 2015
Participatory medicine and healthcare system transparency warrior Cyndy Nayer put this up on her blog this week, and we’re re-posting it here because it’s a message that’s got to spread. A personal account of a transaction that went very badly, and...
by Nancy Finn | Mar 24, 2015
Providing apropriate health care is a challenge in remote areas of developing and developed nations, where skilled professional health personnel and facilities are limited. However, e-health, with tools to redesign care models around the common needs of discrete...
by Sarah Krüg | Mar 5, 2015
Patients have a unique expertise that is often overlooked. The day-to-day life experiences of a patient and the wisdom they gain as they navigate their healthcare journey are invaluable. In fact, that expertise is a key driver in helping to shape the future of...
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