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on the complexity of problems and ePatients as innovators

One of our Society’s best kept secrets is the composition of our membership. And lately, some of my best collaborations are coming out of conversations with fellow members. Last week, as I frenetically packed for a trip, I was chatting on the phone with our own...

Patient Generated Health Data webinar featuring SPM members

The Health Data Consortium, the folks who bring Health Datapalooza to life in DC every year, have increased the input of the Consumer Circle ahead of this year’s event, which is on the calendar for May 29 thru June 3 at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington...

Hot Trends in Health Care for 2015

MHealth Over 90% of the world’s population has some type of mobile phone, according to reports from the ITU (International Telecommunications Union and PEW research. mHealth will continue to be a major factor in technology and health in 2015, with new apps that...
