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Peer-to-peer Healthcare at Medicine 2.0

I was honored to give the closing keynote at the Medicine 2.0’11 Congress at Stanford. In preparation for it, I gathered all of the Pew Internet Project’s recent research on social networks, smartphones, and health communications. Then I added stories from...

The unexpected power of storytelling

The Journal of Participatory Medicine recently published a new commentary, “A Skydiver Jumps, and an Online Community Exults,” about the unexpected power of storytelling in a lung cancer support group. After sharing an uplifting story with her online...

Neel Shah: Using bedside stories to unmuddy the waters

Guest blogger Dr. Neel Shah is the Executive Director of and a senior resident in the Massachusetts General Hospital-Brigham & Women’s Hospital combined residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Last year, the nonprofit that I direct launched an...
