by Kathleen O'Malley | Sep 27, 2011
Guest blogger and SPM member Nancy Finn looks at ways to improve patient-physician communication. There has been a lot of discussion about patient/provider communication, partly driven by the move to electronic health records and the question of who has access to the...
by Kathleen O'Malley | Sep 25, 2011
Guest blogger Beth Austin shares her professional and personal advice on choosing the right doctor. She is the principal of Crescendo Consulting Group. I’ve spent a lot of time in my professional life knee-deep in articles on healthcare quality and medical...
by Susannah Fox | Sep 23, 2011
I was honored to give the closing keynote at the Medicine 2.0’11 Congress at Stanford. In preparation for it, I gathered all of the Pew Internet Project’s recent research on social networks, smartphones, and health communications. Then I added stories from...
by e-Patient Dave | Sep 23, 2011
In the past year I’ve come to see medical decision making as one of the key crucibles in which participatory medicine plays out. We’ve blogged several times about shared decision making (SDM), and by its nature it requires participatory thinking. A new...
by Kathleen O'Malley | Sep 21, 2011
The Journal of Participatory Medicine recently published a new commentary, “A Skydiver Jumps, and an Online Community Exults,” about the unexpected power of storytelling in a lung cancer support group. After sharing an uplifting story with her online...
by Kathleen O'Malley | Sep 19, 2011
Guest blogger Dr. Neel Shah is the Executive Director of and a senior resident in the Massachusetts General Hospital-Brigham & Women’s Hospital combined residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Last year, the nonprofit that I direct launched an...
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