by Kathleen O'Malley | Sep 12, 2011
Guest blogger Tami Boehmer shares a recent conversation with e-Patient Dave about the pitfalls of survival statistics and the power of hope. Tami’s blog, “From Incurable to Incredible,” is at I recently had the honor of...
by Kathleen O'Malley | Sep 9, 2011
Jonena Relth submitted this guest post to share her very positive experience with her surgeon. I was being prepped for surgery last week and my surgeon, Dr. Davies, came in to discuss the procedure. He explained to me that he had reviewed my file several times and...
by Jessie Gruman | Sep 6, 2011
Have you followed the long and painful efforts to improve the information prescription drug manufacturers are required to provide us? Really, given that almost half of us in the US take at least one prescription medication daily, you’d think this would be a high...
by Gilles Frydman | Sep 4, 2011
I have known Sharon Anderson for many years and watched her eAdvocacy evolve. A nine year leiomyosarcoma (LMS — a very rare cancer) survivor, Sharon has tirelessly used her social work skills to help LMS patients directly while actively promoting an increase in...
by Kathleen O'Malley | Sep 2, 2011
Nancy Finn submitted this guest post about the challenges facing doctors and patients who want to have clinical conversations online. The quest for the right communication formula and balance that will satisfy doctors and e-patients who want to experience continuous...
by e-Patient Dave | Aug 23, 2011
Stop what you’re doing, as soon as possible, and spend 20 minutes watching this. It’s the most powerful short talk I’ve ever seen about health care. Our e-patient white paper is titled “e-Patients: How they can help heal healthcare.” In...
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