by Kathleen O'Malley | Aug 9, 2011
Social media is well established in our society and it shows much promise as a tool of patient-physician communication. But despite some cases of good and enriching rapport between patients and physicians in social media, the medical world, on the whole, is still...
by e-Patient Dave | Aug 5, 2011
I’m about to board a plane at 5 a.m. so this is a quick preliminary note. One of the key skills an engaged, informed patient needs is how to find good quality care. Today USA Today reports that Medicare has just released information that I think we’ve had...
by e-Patient Dave | Aug 2, 2011
The Society for Participatory Medicine  recently named three new board members. They’ve been introduced to the members on our private listserve, and we’ve been thinking about introducing the new leadership to the public here. One is Sue Woods MD MPH, a...
by e-Patient Dave | Jul 26, 2011
We’ve updated this blog’s design template so it’s more clearly a member of the SPM family. Specifically, we’re now using a color-modified version of our Journal of Participatory Medicine’s template, which is a lot slicker and more modern than this...
by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. | Jul 24, 2011
I’m all for citizen journalism, and can even stand the content mills like LiveStrong, who have pimped out their name and brand in order to make a quick buck. But I draw the line with bad reporting and worse, biased representation of the data to prove a point....
by e-Patient Dave | Jul 22, 2011
This has nothing to do with healthcare, but it’s the most priceless example I’ve seen in a long time of Not Customer-Oriented Thinking, and perhaps Scary Workflow, both of which do apply to healthcare sometimes. As a Boston-based traveler, I have United...
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