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Introducing Sue Woods, new SPM board member

The Society for Participatory Medicine  recently named three new board members. They’ve been introduced to the members on our private listserve, and we’ve been thinking about introducing the new leadership to the public here. One is Sue Woods MD MPH, a...

We’ve changed!

We’ve updated this blog’s design template so it’s more clearly a member of the SPM family. Specifically, we’re now using a color-modified version of our Journal of Participatory Medicine’s template, which is a lot slicker and more modern than this...

An out-of-office email – from a computer

This has nothing to do with healthcare, but it’s the most priceless example I’ve seen in a long time of Not Customer-Oriented Thinking, and perhaps Scary Workflow, both of which do apply to healthcare sometimes. As a Boston-based traveler, I have United...
