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What I learned at Health Foo

Just in case anyone is curious: my notes from Health Foo, a meeting held last weekend in Cambridge, MA. It’s long, so skim for the 9 lessons if you want a shortcut. What: Foo Camp is an unconference, constructed on the spot by the people who show up, with just a...

Shared Decision Making in the News

Media coverage of the challenges we face in making good treatment decisions often focuses on and sensationalizes medical errors, catastrophes and risks.  So it was great to see this impressive TV news clip circulated by Gary Schwitzer of in his...

Bye Bye Google Health

Like so many attempts before it — and to name just two — Google has found that implementing personal health records in a meaningful way is really, really hard. So hard, in fact, that it has given up and is shuttering its...

2011 Socialnomics video is out

On this blog we try to understand and explain how the world has changed and is changing, with the goal of helping everyone – policy people, patients, clinicians, administrators, businesses – optimize for the world as it changes. Nowhere is that more...
