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Social DNA at 23andme: who owns your genome?

23andMe is a new personal genomics system that will have social features. Once your DNA is analyzed, you’ll be able to compare it with others’. People will be able to find each others by allele (genetic variation). Unfortunately, you have to shell out $999...
Flashback to 2001

Flashback to 2001

Bowing to popular demand (OK, one person) I uploaded a PDF of the 2001 press release from the American Medical Association which suggested that Americans make a New Year’s resolution to “trust your physician, not a chat room” since the information found online puts...

Wikis: Cautionary Tale 2.0

Everybody is talking about social networks, collective intelligence, wisdom of crowds, smartmobs, User Generated Content and other “2.0” terms. It almost sounds like the only recipe to create the next big idea in the medical internet is to use a few of...
