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CHCF’s iHealthBeat podcast on online communities

One of the California Health Care Foundation’s regular projects is iHealthBeat, “Reporting technology’s impact on healthcare.” Wednesday they released a five minute podcast on patient communities, which are of course a core activity of engaged...

Jessie Gruman: Poetry in Motion

This essay was written by Sarah Greene, co-founder of the Journal of Participatory Medicine and currently Founder/CEO of  “That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.” – Walt Whitman, ‘O Me, O Life’ We New Yorkers have been...
To Be, or Not to Be, a B Corp

To Be, or Not to Be, a B Corp

Preface (later) by e-Patient Dave – Casey and I were discussing that one of the obstacles impeding changing in medicine is that by law, corporate officers have to serve their shareholders first, i.e. make money before they get into any do-gooder stuff. The...

Jessie Gruman remembrances set for NY, DC

We reported five weeks ago about the passing of Jessie Gruman, one of the greatest figures in our movement, founder of the Center for Advancing Health (CFAH), founding co-editor-in-chief of our Journal of Participatory Medicine, and much more. CFAH has since expanded...
