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Misdiagnosis: A Chronic Condition Looking for a Cure

According to a report in the BMJ Quality and Safety Journal, each year in the U.S. approximately 12 million adults or 1 out of 20 patients who seek outpatient medical care, are misdiagnosed in a way that could cause severe harm. These alarming statistics are further...

EHR? What is it good for?

I live in a small country: Sweden has the population of Michigan on the land area of California, so you shouldn’t really have even heard of us. But I guess that ABBA, IKEA, H&M and the Nobel Prize sort of helps :). Living in a small country of course has...

We’re all in this together

A guest post from member Jeffrey Halbstein-Harris – this is a small slice of a longer piece he used as the basis for a speaking engagement. This is a call to consumers: my brothers and sisters who rely on healthcare and its infrastructure’s support throughout...
