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My Mother’s Scrap of Paper

My Mother’s Scrap of Paper

I’m known in social media for my role as @EMRAnswers. Most people don’t know the personal and family pain that makes me know how important this is. Here it is. (That’s me above, sharing my story at the Walking Gallery meetup at HIMSS in 2015 –...
Health Partner or Care Partner?

Health Partner or Care Partner?

Two stories for you: More than 20 years ago my oldest son was training to do development aid work in the bush of Zimbabwe. As part of his team training, he invited me to come give a talk about health with his team. I was a nurse and a paramedic at the time. I did the...
Thanksgiving Letter to my Doctor

Thanksgiving Letter to my Doctor

Coming from Romania 15 years ago, Thanksgiving was not a big thing for me. I didn’t quite grasp the holiday. My husband cooked and celebrated, and I helped and observed it in a detached way. 11 years ago, it was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I was 22 weeks...
