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Open knowledge saves lives. Oppose H.R. 3699!

Note: Although currently not a member of the SPM, I have been involved, since its inception, with Tom Ferguson and others, in the creation of the e-patients white paper . I am also one of the co-founders of the SPM and one of the volunteers who created the...

Fred Trotter: Data, damn data, and statistics

Why does this blog use the word “damn” so often? A search produces a whopping 38 hits, such as: Fools! Damn fools! And Medical Science (Right, Santa??) Atlantic: Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science “Gimme my damn data!” The stage is being set to enable...

For some people, it’s still 1994

Here’s a question which inspired me today, received via email from Christie Silbajoris,  director of NC Health Info: My library is rethinking its provision of services to the public.  We’ve got a history of going beyond what the average academic health sciences...

.5 x .5: Deconstructing Margolis

As often happens, a Susannah Fox post has led to lingering questions. This time I’ve figured out what I want to say.:-) Last week, in a side note on her World AIDS Day post, she inserted this: … Let’s review the basic math of health services delivery in...
