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Participatory Medicine: What Is It For You?

As the meme is now firmly accepted, I thought we ought to have another round of definition crowdsourcing. If you use the term please stop here for a minute and let us know what it means to you. I will summarize the responses and use the results to update the wikipedia...

Participatory Democracy, Participatory Medicine

A sneak preview of my remarks at the “Health 2.0 meets Information Therapy” conference appears on the IxCenterBlog: Participatory Democracy, Participatory Medicine. A good discussion of the issues has already begun there and on The Health Care Blog....

A wonderful story of participatory medicine

Amy Marcus, in today’s WSJ,  wrote a powerful article about a mom moving medical mountains to help her twin daughters survive a rare and deadly disease. Entitled “A Mom Brokers Treatment for Her Twins’ Fatal Illness. Bucking Scientific Convention,...
