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Society for Participatory Medicine is an ongoing project of the Society for Participatory Medicine. Participatory medicine is a cooperative model of healthcare that encourages and expects active involvement by all connected parties (patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, etc.)...

Age of Participatory Medicine

Kevin Kruse posted a video yesterday which includes this line:  The age of participatory medicine has begun. It’s a promo for e-Patients Connections 2009, a conference to be held in Philadelphia this October, but also has good citations (ahem, including my...

A Participatory Medicine Story

The nascent field of Participatory Medicine is currently in the “debating and defining” stage.    It has been tentatively defined by the steering group of the Journal of Participatory Medicine as: …a cooperative model of health care that encourages...

Participatory Medicine at PdF09: Can we get a do-over?

The poli-tech tribe gathered in New York last week for the Personal Democracy Forum and, as Craig Newmark put it, welcomed “our new nerd overlords.” Esther Dyson, Jamie Heywood, Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), and I were asked to take on a breakout panel...
