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A Reminder of How To Care Through Self-Reflection

A Reminder of How To Care Through Self-Reflection

After 28 years of  nursing I could potentially consider myself an expert in the field. But this perception couldn’t be further from the truth. I still come home from a shift and often wonder and hope that I brought comfort to at least one patient. Did I do enough?...

AI Gives SPM a New Opportunity to Lead

I recently posted an article entitled, “In Cancer, Patient-Empowering AI Begins to Change Care, Relationships,” that contained this declaration, “Good medicine needs to become participatory medicine, not least because involving the patient as a partner consistently...
Patients and Industry: Starting Our New Life Together in 2023

Patients and Industry: Starting Our New Life Together in 2023

Flash back to my article for the Society for Participatory Medicine last year: Let’s Save the Date and Make Patient Engagement Official in 2022. I’m here to deliver some great news: we tied the knot! By the power vested in clinical research, the FDA now pronounces us...
