by Danny van Leeuwen | Jan 12, 2021
Designing clinical trials for and with people with Traumatic Brain Injury. Lynne Becker looking forward over time, not backward. Building a business. Proem You know the old story of the researcher looking for their lost keys under the streetlight when they lost them...
by Danny van Leeuwen | Nov 27, 2020
Stories are powerful because they foster human connections, transparency, and innovation, ultimately leading to better experiences for those giving and receiving care. Healthcare workers’ perspectives are critical to creating a shared vision of health care that...
by Danny van Leeuwen | Nov 9, 2020
Person-included research, co-production, tragedy, grief, health equity, and relationships in life and research. Chat with Amy Price of Stanford and BMJ Proem Research follows life. Life comes before research. My diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis preceded my need for...
by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. | Jun 10, 2020
Join a live virtual Healing Story Session on June 22! “Pain, suffering, and ambivalence can co-exist with peace, joy, and self-love. Healing can take many forms. Sharing our stories helps others to find their way, and reminds us all that we are not alone.” —...
by John Novack | May 29, 2020
Guest post by empowered patient Howard Chang. See bio at end. I’m a highly engaged patient advocate who has faced many challenges. To my unhappy surprise, the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown has revealed once again how much I still struggle with the need to be in...
by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. | May 19, 2020
The Society for Participatory Medicine (SPM) and the Health Story Collaborative (HSC) are partnering during this time to bring the power of storytelling to health care and explore what it means to practice participatory medicine in times of COVID-19. Please read the...
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