by Eric Bersh | Apr 27, 2022
Curled up on her hospital gurney but unable to sleep, the middle-aged Latinx female trauma patient sighed, “I am tired of being tired.” Before daybreak, “Rosa” (not her real name) had arrived at work to open her New York restaurant but was interrupted by an intruder...
by Eric Bersh | Apr 20, 2022
Editor’s note: When oncology and hospice nurse Theresa Brown was diagnosed with breast cancer, she couldn’t believe how disorganized and unempathic her care was. Ultimately she called it D.I.Y. care, as in Do-It-Yourself: figure out the treatment process, find the...
by John Novack | Feb 3, 2022
Editor’s note: Annie Brewster, MD, founder of Health Story Collaborative, and a friend to the Society for Participatory Medicine, has just published “The Healing Power of Storytelling: Using Personal Narrative to Navigate Illness, Trauma, and Loss.” In this excerpt...
by Salene MW Jones, PhD | Dec 20, 2021
When I was training to become a clinical psychologist, my supervisors gave me several pieces of great advice. One told me that the psychologist or therapist is the expert on mental health treatment and research but the patient or client is the expert on their own...
by Brenda Merriweather | Dec 7, 2021
In 2004, as a staff nurse at Baptist Medical Center South in Montgomery, Alabama, I cared for a group of pediatric and adult African-American Sickle Cell patients who would come to my medical-oncology unit for treatment. They would stay a few days, get fluids, and get...
by Lisa Gualtieri, PhD, ScM | Nov 22, 2021
The answer is probably not your medicine cabinet. The answer may be your nightstand, kitchen counter, or a variety of other locations in your home. The question is, where do you store your prescription medications? I became interested in medication adherence through...
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