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Why Dying is Not Giving Up

Why Dying is Not Giving Up

Throughout my time as a psychotherapist specializing in end of life diseases, primarily cancer, I have spent many hours talking with both patients and medical teams about the importance of authentic communication and end of life planning. I see this kind of planning...
The Keys to Good Relationships With Your Care Teams

The Keys to Good Relationships With Your Care Teams

Being born with cystic fibrosis, a progressive, genetic lung disease, I have had countless health encounters throughout my life. Through these experiences I have learned the power that lies in self advocating for my health in the clinic setting with my doctors and...
Collaborative Notes, Engaged Partners, Fewer Errors

Collaborative Notes, Engaged Partners, Fewer Errors

Patients, care partners & clinicians can reduce record errors with collaborative notes. Dr. Peter Elias shares his note-writing with collaborative partners. Proem Expecting an error-free medical record seems unreasonable – too many opportunities, too many forces,...
Playing the Waiting Game While Living with a Rare Disease

Playing the Waiting Game While Living with a Rare Disease

In 2004, at age 17, I was diagnosed with an adult-onset muscle disease called limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2B (LGMD2B). My diagnostic journey began 10 months prior, the result of a routine blood test after a car accident which yielded concerning biomarker...
Healthcare as a Meeting of Two Experts

Healthcare as a Meeting of Two Experts

When I was training to become a clinical psychologist, my supervisors gave me several pieces of great advice. One told me that the psychologist or therapist is the expert on mental health treatment and research but the patient or client is the expert on their own...
