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From the UK: “Habits of an Improver”

From the UK: “Habits of an Improver”

We in the Society for Participatory Medicine are in many stages of awakening to our potential as active participants in the health system. Some have a particular focus on a disease or a technology; many of us come to it through our own experience (good or bad) as a...

Closing the Gaps in South African Health

Guest post by SPM member Vanessa Carter. See bio at end. In many countries globally, the e-Patient revolution has raised many significant questions about the role of empowered patients in an integrated health system, particularly with expanding access to Information...

Service Agreements Among Friends and Colleagues

I’m an old hippie [left]. I’ve lived in many houses and on a farm (commune?) with other people. Regularly we heard, “I agreed to what? No I didn’t.” “Since when is that a rule?” I, and then my wife and I, developed skill in...
