by Ileana Balcu | Nov 10, 2015
The series of blog posts at the online community website Crohnology continues for patients with IBD. Duncan Cross has a post that is interesting for anyone with an autoimmune or other disabling chronic condition: Am I disabled? It discusses the Americans with...
by Ileana Balcu | Aug 20, 2015
The site Crohnology, well known patient community for patients with IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), recently started focusing their blog on explaining IBD- focused research to patients. Their most recent blog post describes a study that studied what patients with...
by Casey Quinlan | Jun 30, 2015
Our fearless leader, Nick Dawson, has a terrific piece up on about the issues around building a children’s hospital in Richmond, Virginia. An excerpt: 100% of healthcare costs are passed onto the public. Most costs seem to be borne by insurance...
by Ileana Balcu | Jun 16, 2015
Weill Cornell produced a series of mini-documentary style videos showcasing mentoring at their institution. This final video specifically focuses on how patients mentor their students....
by Ileana Balcu | Sep 10, 2014
Our member Suzanne Mintz, a Family Caregiver Advocate, shares the link to her Narrative Matters article/podcast in the current issue of Health Affairs: The Double Helix: When The System Fails The Intertwined Needs Of Caregiver And Patient...
by Ileana Balcu | Jun 13, 2014
An interesting editorial in the BMJ (British Medical Journal) describes BMJ’s path to including patients in reviewing the articles and research published in the Journal. I hope this initiative will be successful and copied by the healthcare world....
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