by e-Patient Dave | Nov 11, 2016
This is big. Please share it with anyone you know who’s a believer in open data. You may have heard that back in January the New England Journal of Medicine created a firestorm by saying “parasites” about people who want to see a researcher’s...
by e-Patient Dave | Aug 9, 2016
As regular readers know, for years we’ve been blogging here about OpenNotes, in which patients and their designated caregivers can read every word their clinicians write, so they can be more informed. The OpenNotes tagline, “Doctors and patients on the...
by e-Patient Dave | Jun 17, 2016
This may be THE most important, articulate speech I’ve seen about profound progress in patient power – and why it matters. This talk by Mark Wilson about OpenAPS, at last Friday’s DiabetesMine D-Data ExChange 2016, contains a metaphor that’s...
by e-Patient Dave | Jun 7, 2016 I’ve known Eric Dishman for about five years, because we’re both kidney cancer patients. I’ve known that he’s a really sharp thinker, and a high-ranking executive at Intel, deeply interested in and involved in their...
by Michael Millenson | Jun 3, 2016
On social media and at meetings like Health Datapalooza, our favorite federal bureaucrats assure us of their commitment to open data and patient empowerment. But those are just soothing words; federal regulations are law. On April 30, I posted on an...
by e-Patient Dave | May 24, 2016
As regular readers know, we’ve written many times about OpenNotes, the project funded by Robert Wood Johnson that blew the doors off of beliefs that bad things happen when patients see their charts. (We blogged about the original results in 2012.) Now a new...
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