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How to be Participatory in the Face of Adversity

From the lens of a patient who recently experienced major surgery, I now realize how difficult it is to be participatory when you are in pain and taking large doses of pain medication which dulls the senses and puts you in a place where you are not really thinking...

Fact checking at Medicine X

(A cross-post from I had the great honor of being part of the first Medicine X conference at Stanford University last weekend. I presented a sneak preview of new survey results collected by the Pew Internet Project and the California HealthCare...

Medicine 2.0 Day 2 – Magnificent!

Following up on Susannah Fox’s superb summary of Medicine 2.0 Day One, I would like to offer some overview and comments about day two. This was my first Medicine 2.0 meeting. I had heard a lot about Gunther Eysenbach, MD, MPH, and his merry band of...

Medicine 2.0 Day One

My schedule only allowed me to attend Day One of the fantastically rich Medicine 2.0 Congress being held this weekend in Boston. I thought I’d share my impressions and notes in case they spark inspiration for other people, as each presenter and hallway...
