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Healthcare as a Meeting of Two Experts

Healthcare as a Meeting of Two Experts

When I was training to become a clinical psychologist, my supervisors gave me several pieces of great advice. One told me that the psychologist or therapist is the expert on mental health treatment and research but the patient or client is the expert on their own...
Linnea Olson: An Appreciation of a Giant

Linnea Olson: An Appreciation of a Giant

Pioneers of medical progress are lauded in published articles and by their professional peers. But it is often the patient advocates, particularly those who demanded better treatment, spearheaded clinical trial advances, and bravely took on institutions and standards...
Social Work and The SPM Manifesto: It Just Makes Sense

Social Work and The SPM Manifesto: It Just Makes Sense

Navigating youth and their families through what is often a complex mental health system is a job that is frustrating but also an honor.  As a licensed social worker, my compass through the journey is guided by a group of core values. The National Association of...
Innovation, Local Persistence

Innovation, Local Persistence

Innovation is not like switching on a lightbulb for the world. Rather it’s local iterative, persistent steps. Thoughts from the Patient Experience Symposium. Listen to the podcast here Proem As I left the Patient Experience...
